Wine a little you’ll feel better…

Ever just pull out the wine in the middle of the day? Not when you’re at work though. Unless it’s celebrating some event with the teachers in the school, where I worked in Spain. Wine during a school day… Some cultures have all the fun. Yup, it’s a whining day and so I will wine […]

A place to live finally….

Well, it’s been a while since I wrote. That air mattress I bought came in handy as did the camping chair. No, I didn’t end up homeless in a campground but I know my family was taking bets on how long it would take before I did. Well, it’s been over four months since I […]

Pilates in any language is still WTF

So, I’m still massively Spanish deficient. And despite that, I decided to join a Pilates class only taught in Spanish, even though there is a very high probability I won’t understand the instructor. So I’ve been climbing stairs for exercise for over 20 years, but I have chronic low back issues and it’s getting worse […]

Get used to it.

You’ll get used to it. When you have no other out, they say you’ll get used to it. Get used to what? Everything. It’s amazing how you do. Get used to things that is, with enough time, you adapt to less. Or to acceptance, or to low expectations. Or to more than you expected. Or […]

Safety is a four letter word

So, the arrival of Maria, La Senora de la Asuncion is a religious event that was some 700 years ago here in this part of Spain. The story goes that a coffin-like box washed ashore with her or something representing her inside. It washed ashore on the beaches of Santa Pola not far from here. […]

Adult Juice Boxes

I have a headache and I want my siesta. In fact, I want two. You’ll be transformed in Spain they said. Today was one of those days and not in a good way. I have three new teachers and one regular from last year. The youngest kids all remember me and scream my name from […]

You will lose weight in Spain they said..

Well it’s 5am here and the people are still out partying in the street below my apartment. I’m awake as usual from the raucous so might as well type about food. I’m hungry. I’ve traveled all over Spain and eaten a lot. Too much, my stomach tells me. But even when I’m not hungry I’ll […]

A few funny things

I have driven all over Spain and it never ceases to amaze me how some signs and advertisements are a bit well, translated wrong. Or maybe not. I’m used to the commercials showing some nudity, and the blatant description of condom use on TV. None of it is a bad thing as every culture has […]

The fat American, unkempt doctors and where is the heat?

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. I’ve been so busy, and a little depressed… eating bread, olive oil, and sipping too much wine every day. The wine is like candy, it’s so cheap, and bread is near free. My hips are not happy. I’ve been to 3 more doctors since my last […]

Im legal and Im freezing

I finally got my TIE card today!!!. The infamous ID card that proves I’m here legally. Holy Moley finally. I got on the bus with my boyfriend at 7am in the freezing cold to ride to the next town of Orihuela to go to the police station to pick up my ID. We waited outside […]