Bubbles Anyone?
Bubbles for me. What does bubbles mean to you? If I was younger I might say “bubble bath” or those plastic soap bubble makers for kids. Or even the pillow of bubbles used to bathe me during a Turkish bath I experienced in Turkey. But that’s another blog itself. But not now. I’m talking drinkable […]
A One Pickle Night
What does that mean? Insomnia. I keep waking up at 2:15 am. Not 4:15 not 5:15, but 2:15. What the heck? I’ve tried melatonin, hot teas, meditation, and a few medications not mentioned here. What happens when I can’t sleep? I wake up and pee, get back in bed, and lay there. Then the mind […]
Wine a little you’ll feel better…
Ever just pull out the wine in the middle of the day? Not when you’re at work though. Unless it’s celebrating some event with the teachers in the school, where I worked in Spain. Wine during a school day… Some cultures have all the fun. Yup, it’s a whining day and so I will wine […]
I Need Some WD-40
My travel trigger finger seems to be getting stiff. I already have arthritis but for some reason when pursuing travel sites nothing has excited my finger enough to hit “book.” This is very unusual for me and downright abnormal. Maybe some WD 40 will lube it right up and cure the stiffness, Every place […]
Sometimes you just need a Pickle
So, I have terrible insomnia. I wake up sometimes at 2, 3, or 4 am and never go back to sleep. Its frustrating, aggravating, and downright exhaustive. It’s been worse since I returned home from Spain and became a re-pat. So, it was 3am the other night, and bang my eyes opened and I was […]
Get used to it.
You’ll get used to it. When you have no other out, they say you’ll get used to it. Get used to what? Everything. It’s amazing how you do. Get used to things that is, with enough time, you adapt to less. Or to acceptance, or to low expectations. Or to more than you expected. Or […]
Don’t call me Chi Chi
So, we were out with friends the other night. It was around 10 pm and we decided to go to a local bar after dinner that always reminds me of my mother. Bar Alquimia. It has three levels, has a kind of a dim lit dark blue-green interior, and has funky stars and moons on […]
You will lose weight in Spain they said..
Well it’s 5am here and the people are still out partying in the street below my apartment. I’m awake as usual from the raucous so might as well type about food. I’m hungry. I’ve traveled all over Spain and eaten a lot. Too much, my stomach tells me. But even when I’m not hungry I’ll […]