Oui Oui to Me

Warning this post is longer than usual…. So my trigger finger was activated and I went to Brussels and Amsterdam. A cheap flight popped up on my phone and I grabbed it. $600 round trip is cheap for an overseas trip. Plus when I was living in Spain it was the tail end of Covid […]

Endings and Beginnings

I saw a little dead bird on the 5th-floor stairwell today when I went to climb the stairs. I remember this bird or at least one that looked just like it a few weeks ago that was trapped and kept flying into the glass windows that enclosed the stairs. I tried as hard as I […]

What’s on your Bucket List?

You know, bucket lists are valid no matter how you fulfill them. At least in my book. So, I’ve been back home about 7 months now, yet it feels like forever some days and other days like a day. I miss my friends in Spain, I admit it. I really miss walking everywhere, popping into […]

3 times a charm? Or an Omen?

So I came home from work the other night and it wasn’t dark yet. I pull into a space close to the gated door of my building. I look up and what do I see? Someone has crashed into the wall surrounding the complex. I know I moved into an old condo complex, and I […]

Do you know where your pipes are?

So I went out of town to bask on the beach in Cozumel for a weekend. It just happened before a deep freeze swept Texas. I stepped off the plane and it was colder than a well-digger’s ass outside. I got home and despite leaving the heat on it was too late, my kitchen faucets […]

Sometimes you just need a Pickle

So, I have terrible insomnia. I wake up sometimes at 2, 3, or 4 am and never go back to sleep. Its frustrating, aggravating, and downright exhaustive. It’s been worse since I returned home from Spain and became a re-pat. So, it was 3am the other night, and bang my eyes opened and I was […]

A place to live finally….

Well, it’s been a while since I wrote. That air mattress I bought came in handy as did the camping chair. No, I didn’t end up homeless in a campground but I know my family was taking bets on how long it would take before I did. Well, it’s been over four months since I […]

Can’t I just live in a hotel?

I just bought a pillow and a wine opener. I’m living in an air B and B It’s all I can do in my reintegration to life in the US. Since returning to the USA, I’ve found myself in car hell, apartment hell and sadly fighting the urge to leave every day. It took weeks […]

What’s your T style?

Do you have low Ts? No this is not an ad for a low testosterone clinic. Today I went with a friend to a local psychic fair where you will find so-called readers and psychics and Reiki people and those that read dreams and talk to animals.  Every time I go to a psychic fair, […]

Im in Used car Buying Hell

Buying a car in rip-off hell. Since getting home buying a car has been hell. Used cars are up some 40% in the past 2 years.  4 years ago I bought a Nissan Rogue SUV 2 years old for 17k with 20k miles at 1.5 % interest over 5 years.  It was new as far […]