
I need more things to do with my time maybe…


Funny, I just came off a 4 day weekend as Holloween is a 3 day holiday here in Spain as they celebrate the day of the dead or all souls day. I’m already off on Fridays so there ya go. But since I have no car I couldn’t take off and go somewhere. Well, so I spent Friday resting all day as it was raining. I chose not to go out and eat as I’m trying to remind myself I am not a tourist. I live here and am supposed to be on a$1000 monthly budget as its all I’m getting paid. I also need to stay out of the grocery store as it’s just feet from my door and when I go in just for bread it’s never just bread.

And I saw myself naked. I think I’m getting flabbier and well a small muffin top seems to be forming. I know it’s the carbs.. bread every day, and wine at night. Not good. nope .

I decided to start yoga on the computer with “30 days with Adriane” she is gentle and it’s not more than 15-20 minutes. I’ve been on 3 x. I felt the pain of the warrior pose and only wanted to stay in childs pose the whole time. But that will not suffice. I need serious stretching. My back, my butt, my hips are like plaster; stiff and making noises… the plaster is cracking.

Also being the overachiever I am, I added squats to the is as I was a stair climber before I got here. And I need to learn to count in Spanish anyway so uno, dos, cuatro,….100 squats done…. and then I added the “100 push-ups in 6 weeks” app to my phone. I did the pre-test to see how many I could do and then the app will have me follow a program every other day as directed on the app. But I nearly collapsed trying to do the test and barely scraped out 20 poorly formed push-ups that ended with me swearing…

So I have done these 3 things now 3 times. I had to take painkillers to sleep for 3 days as it hurt to roll over or take a deep breath.

So I sit here now knowing I need to do my squats, push ups and yoga before bed. I got 30 minutes. Not sure I will. My enthusiasm is waning.

So a 4 day weekend and did I study Spanish? Only once at the public library. I found my mother’s favorite play “Madame Butterfly” in Spanish last week when I was there. Having never read it, well why not start and translate what I don’t know. which is nearly everything.

So I wrote by hand every word from the beginning of the proulog in this play. I got maybe 5 sentences translated in an hour. If I go any slower Ill be going backwards. If it wasnt for the librarian poking her head around the corner telling me they are closing Ide be sitting there till the cows come home.

1 pm time to close she gestures to me. Why of course! its siesta time. After translating 5 sentences in an hour I think maybe now I may understand what a siesta is as my head is beginning to hurt. I cant believe Im attempting to translate such a monster anyway. When will I learn to start at the bottom?

Either way, Siesta time is kinking my self-imposed schedule of things to do as I’m wandering the city at 1-4 with no businesses open, and feeling like oh well might as well go home and nap too. The problem is at 5 pm I have no desire to go back out and do any of the above things. Yet I see the 4 days going by and me doing very little. I have too much time on my hands and having a hell of a time self-scheduling and actually following through….

Unfortunatly, my self-esteem is hovering on the downside….. I need to do, I need to study, I’m wasting my time…I have too much time on my hands and I’m not making good use of it.

Your such an American they say here. Chill, eat that 4 course lunch and take a nap then go back to work. Maybe when Im too fat to move and stuck on the 1st page of a 50 page play for a year. Then maybe I´ll give up and take siesta out of sheer frustration and learn that well everything here takes twice as along as the rest of the world. Because you cant be productive until after a nap . A long one no matter how long the line is…


About Me

Hola, I’m Chif.

This blog is about changing my life again. But this time, as a single, late-50s woman who has survived advanced cancer and a terrible divorce, I’m stepping into a completely new chapter. I’m moving out of the USA to do something I’ve never done before: teach English to young elementary children in Spain. As an experienced geriatric nurse who never had kids or even babysat much, this new path feels like uncharted territory.

With no Spanish under my belt, feeling too old to start learning, and questioning why I would leave the comfort of a good job and health insurance, I sit here wondering: Whose f***ing idea was this anyway? Mine, all mine. And here is my story, one painful step at a time.

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Published by Chif

I am a nurse, divorced, and love travel. I climb stairs with a bunch of friends and I’m the Captain of a stair team called Tower of Power. I’m also a cancer survivor. I had anal cancer and before you think something rude… I was married 21 years to a greedy controlling cold asshole. That’s why I got ass cancer. And that’s what gave me the strength to leave. Sometimes it takes near death to wake one up. Now 8 years out, here I am embarking on another change. Move to Spain, teach kids English, and travel some more. I’m not rich but I’ve saved a little to float until my pension kicks in, in a few years. That’s why I chose Spain. I can live here pretty cheap, and travel farther on less, and well have some fun finally. I’m no spring chicken,.I’m 58, and well..you never know when your pink slip on life will be handed to you. Been there done that… I’m not waiting for another one……..adios chicos and chicas

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