
A few funny things

I have driven all over Spain and it never ceases to amaze me how some signs and advertisements are a bit well, translated wrong.

Or maybe not.

Did you see that?

I’m used to the commercials showing some nudity, and the blatant description of condom use on TV. None of it is a bad thing as every culture has its own ways. They say we are somewhat uptight in the US; very tight dresses and large amounts of cleavage are not shown by the anchors on the news, at least not that I have ever seen.

Naked beaches do exist in the world but seems there is no sign that says “designated nude beaches” that I can find here. However, no sign is needed. Naked is ok on every beach I’ve been to so far. So feel free to be you! But it won’t be me.

On a side note, I don’t know, I think snorkeling with your wee wee out can’t be a good idea. There are large fish out there, and I’ve even seen some really big barracuda. Should a guy take the chance?

I was a scuba diver for years, and not once did I see a naked diver.

Personally, I don’t care except sometimes I don’t want to see baby hueys rubbing lotion on their netherlands anymore, it’s too much.

Anyway, I digress,

Hope you get a chuckle….

Here are a few things I’ve seen that well, there is nothing I can say.

Interesting statue in
A Coruna near the Hercules tower.
My washer, I still can’t figure it out
This is self-explanatory
Smoking causes impotence. Ya think?
(a sculpture in Altea)
Until next time…

About Me

Hola, I’m Chif.

This blog is about changing my life again. But this time, as a single, late-50s woman who has survived advanced cancer and a terrible divorce, I’m stepping into a completely new chapter. I’m moving out of the USA to do something I’ve never done before: teach English to young elementary children in Spain. As an experienced geriatric nurse who never had kids or even babysat much, this new path feels like uncharted territory.

With no Spanish under my belt, feeling too old to start learning, and questioning why I would leave the comfort of a good job and health insurance, I sit here wondering: Whose f***ing idea was this anyway? Mine, all mine. And here is my story, one painful step at a time.

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Published by Chif

I am a nurse, divorced, and love travel. I climb stairs with a bunch of friends and I’m the Captain of a stair team called Tower of Power. I’m also a cancer survivor. I had anal cancer and before you think something rude… I was married 21 years to a greedy controlling cold asshole. That’s why I got ass cancer. And that’s what gave me the strength to leave. Sometimes it takes near death to wake one up. Now 8 years out, here I am embarking on another change. Move to Spain, teach kids English, and travel some more. I’m not rich but I’ve saved a little to float until my pension kicks in, in a few years. That’s why I chose Spain. I can live here pretty cheap, and travel farther on less, and well have some fun finally. I’m no spring chicken,.I’m 58, and well..you never know when your pink slip on life will be handed to you. Been there done that… I’m not waiting for another one……..adios chicos and chicas

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